3 Ways To Help Prevent Further Progression Of Scoliosis

3 Ways To Help Prevent Further Progression Of Scoliosis

Date Published: Monday March 6th, 2023
Written By: Ryan Brunelle

Scoliosis is the sideways curvature of the spine. It often becomes present during the growing stages between 10 - 18 years of age but it can occur earlier in childhood or later in adulthood. It is also known that Scoliosis is often more common in females than in males due to altered hormone levels, specifically leptin levels. Studies have shown leptin is thought to play a significant role in bone growth, body weight, the initiation of puberty, and dysfunction of the sympathetic nervous system. These factors may contribute to a greater risk of developing Scoliosis.

To date, there is no prevention of developing Scoliosis. However, with this SPA BLOG post, I am going to go into greater detail about 3 different ways that can effectively help prevent further progression of your Scoliosis. These 3 options that I will be discussing today can be very beneficial to Scoliosis patients who are experiencing symptoms in relation to their Scoliosis on a regular basis.

For anyone with Scoliosis who is looking to add these options discussed below to your daily lifestyle, it is important that you commit to these options and understand consistency is key to halting further progression as it takes time for your body to adapt to this lifestyle change. There are several ways to help prevent further progression at a more intense level such as wearing a brace and performing Scoliosis related exercises, however, today these 3 options discussed below are less intense and easier for you to adapt to in the short term.

1) Stay Active:

Staying Active is such an important factor for anyone who is living with Scoliosis. It is essential that you avoid a sedentary lifestyle, as living a sedentary lifestyle will only increase the potential risk of your Scoliosis curve getting worse or experiencing symptoms at a higher intensity. Engaging in some type of physical activity can help aid your Scoliosis in many ways such as reducing muscle tension, pain tolerance and improving flexibility.

There are many different sports and activities that you can engage upon that is beneficial for your overall health and wellness as well as your Scoliosis. Activities such as walking, swimming, cycling, soccer and yoga just to name a few. Exercises that include strengthening the back and core muscles are also very important for Scoliosis patients to engage upon as well. 

2) Practice Good Posture:

It is important to always practice good posture throughout your lifetime. Whether you sit a lot or even when your walking, it is important to always stand upright and not slouch. When I was younger, I was definitely victim to slouching like 90% of time no matter the scenario. Now a days, I watch my posture and make sure I am always engaging in good posture.

There are also "Good Posture Exercises" that you can try to help maintain or even improve your posture. Practicing good posture and performing these exercises can help alleviate stress on the muscles, ligaments and joints long term. It has also shown to reduce fatigue and prevent unnecessary injury. 

3) Seek Chiropractic Treatment - *(Schroth Physio Therapy):

Ever since I started seeking Chiropractic Treatment, it has done me wonders. When I first started going to Leaside Family Chiropractic and Scoliosis Center, I was not just dealing with a breathing restriction, I had a numerous amount of symptoms in relation to Scoliosis that I was dealing with at the time as well. One thing I did immediately before engaging in Chiropractic treatment was that I had to commit to this long term. I wasn't going to start and then stop going a few weeks later, even if I didn't see any improvement. I committed to seeking chiropractic treatment long term and 1 year later I reduced all of my symptoms in relation to Scoliosis to a nonexistent or mild level.

Seeking Chiropractic Treatment definitely changed my life forever, as I was always feeling hopeless and that my future would be filled with nothing but living in this suffering state with no chance of improvement. I now engage in my own therapy routine which I perform on a weekly basis to build up my back and other muscles to help prevent further progression of my Scoliosis.

I am fortunate to have learned different ways to prevent further progression of Scoliosis. Since early detection is the best prevention of further progression, I understand some Scoliosis Warriors are left with no choice but to go through with a Spinal Fusion. Even if your curve is severe and you have had a Spinal Fusion, post surgery these 3 ways of preventing further progression that I have provided to engage upon applies to everyone. Whether you have had a Spinal Fusion, living or not living with Scoliosis, these 3 ways are crucial to one's continuous healthy active living long term.


Scoliosis Terminology Further Explained

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If You Have Scoliosis, What Do You Do To Help Prevent Further Progression Over Time? Let me Know in the Comment Section Below ⤵️

NEXT POST: Monday March 20th, 2023 @ 7:00pm

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